About Verity Longpar
About Me
About Verity Longpar

Welcome to my site! My name is Verity. I work as a receptionist in a dentist office. Every day for the past 20 years, I have come in to the office, worked on paperwork, and greeted patients. I love my job, because it has helped me meet a lot of really wonderful people. I have seen families grow up! But an added benefit from my job is that I have also picked up some small information about dentistry. I'm not one of the dentists, but I do know quite a bit about simple procedures and basic dental hygiene. Hopefully this blog can teach you something, but remember to always consult with your actual dentist for real professional advice!


About Verity Longpar

How To Help Your Kids Get Those Beautiful White Teeth

Eleanor Crawford

A beautiful smile will help your kids be confident their entire lives. Not only that, but teeth that are aligned properly will also help your child chew better and avoid dental decay (since teeth that are too crowded are difficult to brush properly). Here are four things that you can do as a parent to help your child achieve those beautiful white teeth. 

1. Limit the use of pacifiers after the age of 4 at the very latest. Pacifiers can change the shape of your child's mouth, causing overbite, crossbite, and open bite. These problems will affect your child's appearance, chewing, and speech. If they are serious enough, they will need orthodontics to correct.

2. Watch their baby teeth closely. Baby teeth usually loosen and fall out as the permanent tooth comes in. However, sometimes they start to lean forward and do not fall out in a timely manner. This may cause the new tooth to come in crooked. If your child's baby tooth starts to look odd, take them to a dentist to have it pulled out. 

3. Take them to the dentist often. Talk to the dentist about the shape of your child's mouth, the spacing of their teeth, and how their permanent teeth can come in. Children can start "orthodontics" at the age of six. While they won't get braces right away, the orthodontist can start to reshape your child's mouth using retainers and other tools. If you can catch the problems early enough, you can help those permanent teeth come in straighter and avoid a lot of problems later. 

4. Curb thumb-sucking. This can also cause all kinds of dental problems. When children suck their thumbs it puts pressure on the top of their mouth, narrowing their upper jaw. Pacifiers are better than thumbs because they can be taken away later, so if you start to notice your infant sucking their thumb, try to replace it with a pacifier. If your child gets to the age of four and is still sucking their thumb try:

  • giving them positive reinforcement-like stickers or small toys when they do not suck their thumb
  • watching for triggers (stress, unfamiliar environments), and giving them extra attention during those times
  • offering soft and gentle reminders when you notice it
  • pointing out all the older children (and cartoon characters) who do not suck their thumbs 

As you help your children take care of their teeth, you will help them achieve the smile of their dreams. Good luck! 
