About Verity Longpar
About Me
About Verity Longpar

Welcome to my site! My name is Verity. I work as a receptionist in a dentist office. Every day for the past 20 years, I have come in to the office, worked on paperwork, and greeted patients. I love my job, because it has helped me meet a lot of really wonderful people. I have seen families grow up! But an added benefit from my job is that I have also picked up some small information about dentistry. I'm not one of the dentists, but I do know quite a bit about simple procedures and basic dental hygiene. Hopefully this blog can teach you something, but remember to always consult with your actual dentist for real professional advice!


About Verity Longpar

Simple Bad Breath Remedies

Eleanor Crawford

Dealing with consistent bad breath can be frustrating. You might feel like you're the only person you know dealing with such an embarrassing problem, but you certainly aren't alone. In fact, around 25 percent of people worldwide are battling regular, consistent bad breath — which is also known as halitosis. The good news is, it is possible to banish bad breath completely by using some of these simple tips.

Change Your Routine

Maintaining good oral health is extremely important for people with halitosis. You need to brush your teeth two to three times per day and floss your teeth daily. Additionally, you should consider:

  • Eating your breakfast before you brush your teeth. It's common for people to brush their teeth as soon as they get out of bed. However, if you eat after you brush your teeth, excess sugar and food particles are sitting on your teeth for hours.
  • Using a tongue scraper after you brush your teeth to remove bacteria buildup from the surface of your tongue — bacteria buildup is one of the leading causes of bad breath.
  • Rinsing your mouth out with mouthwash after eating. It will kill any cavity-causing bacteria and wash down any food particles that remain in your mouth after you swallow.

Talk to Your Dentist

Plaque buildup tends to give off a slight sulfur-like odor that doesn't completely go away until the plaque is removed from your teeth. So, if you have bad breath that seems to be lingering, you should make a dentist appointment for a professional teeth cleaning. Also, your dentist will be able to tell you if you have any cavities or teeth that are starting to rot — both of which can be a source of lingering bad breath. For more information, contact Tony Parsley, DMD or a similar dental professional.

Clear Out Your Nose

Did you know that people who frequently suffer from allergy attacks and sinus infections can get bad breath that's caused by bacteria in their nasal cavities? Fortunately, it's simple to flush the bacteria out through your nose. Simply, use a neti pot or and over-the-counter saline solution to flush the stinky nasal secretions from your nasal cavities. Keep in mind, if you continually have sinus infections and allergy attacks, you should also make an appointment with your family doctor or an ear, nose, and throat doctor for treatment.

No one enjoys dealing with bad breath, but it is a common condition that is typically easy to fix. If you're battling lingering bad breath, make an appointment as soon as possible to discuss your options with your family dentist.
