About Verity Longpar
About Me
About Verity Longpar

Welcome to my site! My name is Verity. I work as a receptionist in a dentist office. Every day for the past 20 years, I have come in to the office, worked on paperwork, and greeted patients. I love my job, because it has helped me meet a lot of really wonderful people. I have seen families grow up! But an added benefit from my job is that I have also picked up some small information about dentistry. I'm not one of the dentists, but I do know quite a bit about simple procedures and basic dental hygiene. Hopefully this blog can teach you something, but remember to always consult with your actual dentist for real professional advice!


About Verity Longpar

Common Issues That May Be Resolved Through Dental Extractions

Eleanor Crawford

Dentists advocate for proper dental and oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and routine dental exams to maintain dental health. Bad oral hygiene practices such as smoking, failure to brush teeth, and eating excessive sugary foods usually result in dental illnesses like dental caries and tooth cavities which have multiple adverse effects. For instance, people with extensive dental issues usually find it difficult to eat hot or cold drinks and chew food. Thus, people should take reasonable precautions as advised by professionals to maintain good oral and general health. Dentists also provide dental restorative procedures and treatments to help people experiencing dental complications regain regular teeth function. Most dental procedures aim to help patients retain their natural teeth for as long as possible. However, some dental problems are severe and thus require dental extraction. Below are a few instances when dental extractions are necessary to solve dental health issues:

Severe Pain Relief

Dental extractions are crucial when dealing with severe dental pain. Usually, dentists use dental restorative procedures, including cavity filling and dental implants, to fix dental problems. However, some dental issues are more complicated, with teeth that have irreparable damage. Thus, dentists are faced with a situation where patients experience severe pain with no alternative dental treatment available. Such patients can significantly benefit from dental extractions because dentists can extract the affected tooth from its socket. Patients experiencing severe and persistent pain should seek dental extraction services as a permanent remedy.

Prevent the Spread of Infections

Dentists recommend dental extractions to prevent infections, which otherwise might spread from one tooth to another. Severe infections may spread along the gums and teeth, causing a patient to lose several teeth. Such outcomes may be avoided by extracting the infected teeth. Dental extractions typically involve straightforward surgical procedures. Thus, a dentist extracts the affected teeth and gum tissues, effectively curtailing the infection. Patients with dental infections may seek dental extraction services to mitigate exacerbations.

Remedying Impaction and Overcrowding

Dental extractions are also necessary when dealing with tooth impaction and overcrowding. Impaction occurs when teeth deviate from their normal growth course because of inadequate space. Impacted teeth usually grow at abnormal angles, which cause complications and severe pain. On the other hand, dental overcrowding is when extra teeth grow and fill the mouth without leaving enough space for proper growth. Dentists use dental extractions to solve impaction and overcrowding by removing the affected teeth, leaving enough space for other teeth to develop normally. Thus, patients experiencing overcrowding and impaction should consult a dentist.

For more information, ask a dentist about dental extractions
