About Verity Longpar
About Me
About Verity Longpar

Welcome to my site! My name is Verity. I work as a receptionist in a dentist office. Every day for the past 20 years, I have come in to the office, worked on paperwork, and greeted patients. I love my job, because it has helped me meet a lot of really wonderful people. I have seen families grow up! But an added benefit from my job is that I have also picked up some small information about dentistry. I'm not one of the dentists, but I do know quite a bit about simple procedures and basic dental hygiene. Hopefully this blog can teach you something, but remember to always consult with your actual dentist for real professional advice!


About Verity Longpar

Top Things You Should Know About Dental Implant Surgery

Eleanor Crawford

If you are thinking about having dental implants put in, you might be curious about what to expect from the surgery. These are some of the top things that you're probably going to want to know.

It's Probably Worth It

First of all, you might be worried about complications and dreading the ordeal of having surgery and waiting to heal. However, in the long run, you will probably find that dental implant surgery is more than worth it. This is because if you're missing one or more teeth and feel self-conscious about it, you can feel great about how you look once you have dental implant surgery done. You'll probably like having dental implants more than dentures because they should look and feel a lot more natural. Therefore, even though there is a surgical process that you'll have to go through, you'll probably be glad you had it done when it's over with.

It'll Be Scheduled in Advance

If you're going to be seeing a dentist soon to find out more about getting dental implants, you could be wondering if the surgery will be done on the same day as your appointment. This generally is not the case. Instead, you'll go in for a consultation appointment. Then, your dental implant surgery will be scheduled. Therefore, you should have time to prepare for your dental implant surgery.

You'll Need to Make Proper Arrangements

There are a few arrangements that you will need to make before your dental implant surgery. Your dentist will probably recommend that you have someone else to drive you home, so you should arrange for this. You may want to stock up on soft foods like mashed potatoes or pudding before your surgery so that you will have something to eat while you're recovering and so you won't have to worry about going grocery shopping while you're in the recovery process. You should also inquire about things like whether you should fast or avoid certain medications before your dental implant surgery. Luckily, your dentist can give you more information about any preparations you need to make before your surgery.

You Should Focus on Proper Aftercare

Make sure that you follow your oral surgeon's advice for taking care of yourself and your dental implant after dental implant surgery. This can help you prevent infections and other serious issues, and it can help you get the best possible results from your dental implant surgery. 
