About Verity Longpar
About Me
About Verity Longpar

Welcome to my site! My name is Verity. I work as a receptionist in a dentist office. Every day for the past 20 years, I have come in to the office, worked on paperwork, and greeted patients. I love my job, because it has helped me meet a lot of really wonderful people. I have seen families grow up! But an added benefit from my job is that I have also picked up some small information about dentistry. I'm not one of the dentists, but I do know quite a bit about simple procedures and basic dental hygiene. Hopefully this blog can teach you something, but remember to always consult with your actual dentist for real professional advice!


About Verity Longpar

  • What Should You Do If A Dental Filling Falls Out?

    18 January 2016

    Dental fillings are strong, yet there are times when they can come loose and fall out. If one of your dental fillings falls out, you should not panic. There are several things you can do to ease the pain and protect the tooth when this happens. Here are a few tips to help you handle this situation properly. Apply clove oil Clove oil is a natural antiseptic that is safe for oral use, and it is an ingredient commonly added to toothpaste.

  • A Porcelain Inlay May Be The Best Way To Restore Your Tooth

    29 December 2015

    If you have a tooth with a large cavity, or if you want to remove an unattractive amalgam filling, your dentist may recommend you get a porcelain inlay. Inlays have several advantages over amalgam or resin fillings. They offer better protection and they blend in well with surrounding teeth. Here's a closer look at why an inlay may be a good choice for you. Porcelain Inlays Look Natural If you want to maintain the appearance of natural enamel, you probably want to avoid metal or resin fillings.

  • Thinking About Tooth Whitening? These Facts Can Help You Decide

    10 December 2015

    Tooth whitening may be an option if your teeth aren't looking the way that you want them to look. There are quite a few situations in which whitening or bleaching your teeth is effective, but it can depend on variables such as the types of stains you're dealing with and the causes of the staining. Understanding the difference can help you determine which route is the best one to take.

  • Three Effective Ways To Help Overcome Your Dental Phobia

    19 November 2015

    While many people contend with varying degrees of anxiety about visiting the dentist, others suffer from a full-fledged phobia of receiving this type of important healthcare. Those who fall into the latter category, which can include up to 20 percent of Americans, might take extreme steps to avoid visiting the dentist which, in turn, can lead to complications concerning their oral health. If you identify with the group that has dental phobia, knowing that you're not alone is helpful, but not a true solution.

  • Dental Bonding: A Way To Whiten Your Teeth

    30 October 2015

    Many people see their smile as a vital part of their overall appearance. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be one of the harder things to fix, with discoloration being a common concern. By understanding how discoloration can be fixed with dental bonding, you can be on your way to restoring your smile. How Does Dental Bonding Remove Discoloration? You may have heard of dental bonding as a way to restore teeth that have suffered some sort of structural damage.